
What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathic practitioners treat a wide variety of health problems throughout the whole body including the musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous and visceral system. They do not just treat the symptoms or areas of concern; they treat the individual as a whole functional unit. One of the goals of osteopathy is to bring the body to equilibrium. For athletes, this means preventing overloading and becoming injured. For non athletes, this means feeling better by not accumulating tension and poor posture that could result in other problems, like a chain reaction. Seeing an Osteopathic Practitioner does not require you to be injured; it is beneficial to have your posture assessed to assure that the body is in proper equilibrium.

Conditions that Osteopaths Can Treat:

Neck and Back Pain

Sports Injuries



Postural Problems

Occupational Injuries


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tennis Elbow


Knee & Foot Pain

Pregnancy Pains & Postpartum Care

What to Expect

Initial Consultation & Treatment: 45 minutes

Subsequent Treatments: 30 minutes

Your visit starts with an in-depth consultation with our Osteopathic practitioner. Your practitioner will ask you questions about your symptoms to better understand your overall health and goals. They may also ask you to perform some movements during a physical exam to assess any limitations you may have. This information combined allows your practitioner to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. Once your practitioner has completed their assessment and developed a treatment plan, they will begin the physical treatment part of your appointment. Treatment may consist of muscle or joint manipulation, stretches, application of pressure, exercises, and/or assisted movements. A follow up plan will be provided based on your practitioners personalized recommendations.

Our Osteopathic Practitioner

Giorgio Caiterzi